Soraya character analysis- The Kite Runner
Soraya is the spouse of Amir, the central character in Khaled Hosseini's book "The Kite Runner." Soraya is a powerful, self-reliant woman who defends her rights and convictions.

Initially, Soraya is introduced as the daughter of a wealthy and well-respected businessman in Kabul. Despite her privileged background, she is a kind and compassionate person who is deeply affected by the poverty and suffering she sees around her. She is also a feminist and is not afraid to speak out against the oppressive treatment of women in Afghan society.

Soraya is a strong contrast to Amir's first wife, the submissive, traditional, and self-sacrificing Hassan's wife, who is depicted as the opposite of Soraya. Amir finds himself drawn to Soraya's independent spirit and her willingness to challenge societal norms, which is something he struggles with throughout the novel.

Despite the challenges they face due to Amir's past actions, Soraya and Amir have a deep and loving relationship. Soraya forgives Amir for his past mistakes and helps him to understand the importance of redemption and forgiveness. In the end, it is Soraya who helps Amir to find the courage to confront his past and make amends for his mistakes.

Soraya as a daughter:

Soraya was the general's daughter. She faced many degradations from her father. Once upon a time, she ran away with a man. When her father knew where she was, he brought her home, and since she was humiliated by her father, even he asked her to cut her hair as she did not dare to leave the house again.

Apart from that, Soraya was passionate about becoming a teacher. But her father did not let her follow her passion; thus, being an obedient Afghan daughter, she followed whatever her father asked her to.

Soraya as a wife:

Soraya bore many misfortunes to be a daughter, but after becoming his spouse of Amir, she started to consider herself lucky because he was the only person after her mother who supported her. Including Amir stands by her whenever she takes any decision.

Soraya as a wife

Apart from that, her husband let her follow her affectionate teaching profession. Due to this supportive act, Soraya stated that Amir (Husband) is unlike other Afghan men.